Apex Fibreglass Roofing Supplies Would Like to Wish All of Our Customers Past And Present a Very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year . The Last Day For Guaranteed Deliveries this year will be Thursday 19th of December 2023 ,the website remains open for any orders over the festive period, Please email us @ info@apexfibreglassroofingsupplies.co.uk with any questions . The Office will be closed from the Thursday 21st of December until the 2nd of January 2024. Any orders made over the Festive period will be dispatched Thursday January 3rd 2024, So all orders taken will be dispatched on this day. We will however, be available on 01803 523689 / 0800 612 7903 or for any questions or orders at any time over the Festive Period.(Please leave a message)